For starters, contrary to how we eat it here in Toronto, pho in Vietnam is consumed a lot of the time as a part of breakfast. That’s right – it’s as breakfast-esque in Vietnam as scrambled eggs, oatmeal, and cereal here. If you’re eating pho in Toronto though, no worries if you’re enjoying it for lunch or dinner. It works just as well no matter the time of day. This is sort of part of its charm. Here’s some other tips and tricks on how to eat pho.


Although there are different regional dialects as to how to pronounce ‘pho’, it’s agreed upon Vietnamese pho is not actually pronounced as ‘faux’ but rather ‘fuh’.

What pho refers to

Pho doesn’t actually refer to the soup. Pho refers to the noodles. After all, there are literally hundreds of different soups across Vietnam. Pho’s pristine white rice flour noodles however are what the dish is identified for. In Vietnam, the quality of the noodles generally tend to be a little better than what you’ll find in the average Toronto restaurant. There are still places, like Toronto Pho, which try to duplicate the same high quality in noodles however.

The broth

The quality of pho is judged in large part by the broth. A bad broth isn’t ever going to make a quality pho. A good Vietnamese pho broth is clear. It’s usually filled with plenty of spices and aromatics. Cinnamon and star anise are common, as is cloves, cardamom, and vegetable ingredients like roasted onions and ginger.

The garnishes

The garnishes include herbs and veggies of all types. They can be served separately or are prepared floating atop the broth, noodles, and cuts of meat. Between the spices, broth, the protein choice, the quality of the meat choice, and the garnishes, there’s a lot of places to completely mess up a bowl of Vietnamese-style pho. This is why it takes someone experience to oversee it.

How to properly eat pho

How to eat pho in Toronto involves using plastic chopsticks in one hand and a soup spoon in the other. This is the best way to consume a bowl as it allows you to enjoy the broth as well as the harder bits floating around in it. This is also the best way to avoid any splatter or any mess.

Are you looking for the best bowl of pho in Toronto? Look no further than Toronto Pho. Authentically prepared Vietnamese food is on the way, any time you order a bowl of pho here. Great in the morning, afternoon, and evening, it’s a little of Vietnam brought to you from afar. From the broth to the noodles, herbs and veggies, spices, and toppings, pho is the ultimate Vietnamese dish. Enjoy!