The Art of Eating with Your Hands: An Exploration into the World's Cultures

Have you ever wondered why some cultures prefer to eat with their hands? Eating with your hands is a time-honoured tradition that has been passed down through generations in many parts of the world. In fact, eating with your hands can be seen as an art form in some cultures and is a way to show respect for the food you are consuming and the people who prepared it. Let’s explore the history and etiquette behind this unique practice.

Read more: The Art of Eating with Your Hands: An Exploration into the World's Cultures

Toronto Pho: A Green Restaurant that is in Step with Canada's New Plastic Ban

 If you didn't know, Canada would launch its ban on single-use plastics this month, prohibiting the manufacture and import of various items for sale. This is excellent news for the whole nation and especially for us at Toronto Pho, as we have been advocating for since day one. We hope that by continuing to focus on sustainability, we can create a better future for our children and future generations. Our planet needs all the help it can get!

Read more: Toronto Pho: A Green Restaurant that is in Step with Canada's New Plastic Ban

How does rice come to contain arsenic?


Rice contains arsenic, a naturally occurring element found in soil and water. But why does rice specifically contain more arsenic than other grains? This is a question that many people have posed, and this blog post aims to uncover the answer.

Arsenic occurs naturally in soil and water, so it is not surprising that rice absorbs more of it than other grains. It is estimated that 85% of the world’s population consumes rice as a staple food source. As such, it is important to understand why rice absorbs more arsenic than other grains—and what can be done to reduce exposure to this toxic element.


Read more: How does rice come to contain arsenic?

Is Avocados fruit or a Berry

Ah, avocados. There's nothing quite like a ripe, creamy avocado. But what, exactly, are avocados? And how can you enjoy them to the fullest? Read on to find out!


What Are Avocados?

Avocados are a type of fruit that is often mistaken for a vegetable. They are classified as a berry, and their scientific name is Persea Americana. Avocados grow on trees and are native to Central and South America.


Read more: Is Avocados fruit or a Berry?

Cooking is not just for women. Men who learn to cook and make meals at home have many advantages. Here are a few reasons why every man should try cooking.

1. Save Money

Eating out can get expensive, especially if you do it often. Even ordering in can be costly. If you want to save money, one of the best things you can do is learn to cook for yourself. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save by cooking at home instead of going out to eat. Plus, you can use that extra money to buy better ingredients so that your meals are even tastier.

Read more: Why should men learn cooking and then actually cook at home?

What is Pemmican?


Pemmican is a type of food that was traditionally made by Native Americans and Canadian First Nations. It is a concentrated mixture of fat and protein that can be easily stored and transported. Pemmican is an excellent source of energy and nutrients, and it was often used by Native Americans on long journeys. These days, pemmican is making a comeback as a healthy, sustainable food for modern-day adventurers.


Read more: What is Pemmican?