Although Canadians will associate pho with Vietnam, the history of pho is a little less specific. There’s not very much documentation on where exactly pho came from although it’s believed to have originated sometime in the late 1880s in North Vietnam. The original version of pho boiled beef bones for several days in order to prepare a basic broth. Then, accompanying said broth was only rice noodles and thinly sliced beef. This was a very basic meal but filling, healthy, and well-balanced.

There is also believed to be some influence of French cuisine on pho as you’ll notice some variations pulling from spices and herbs typical to the French. This is because of France’s colonial rule over the region during this time period.

In the early history of pho, its popularity increased as it proved easy to make and could be modified according to what items a person had in their kitchen. Once pho made its way to southern Vietnam, more spices and heavy garnishes were employed. Bean sprouts, basil, and coriander all began to be used. In addition to enjoying it at home with family, pho also become a popular Vietnamese street food.

As Vietnamese families immigrated to Canadian hubs like Toronto as well as all over the world, they brought with them their recipes of pho and other traditional dishes. It wasn’t long before Toronto Vietnamese restaurants were to spring up and the story of pho continues to this day, consumed by hundreds of thousands of people every day all over the world.

As it’s so friendly to customizations, many Vietnamese restaurants will have any variations of pho to choose from. To this extent, a vegetarian can still enjoy pho as long as the broth and any additions have been adequately done. The primary difference with vegetarian or vegan pho is that it’ll have a lot of vegetables in it to replace the bulky taste of meat. Mushrooms is a great example of something you may find employed in vegetarian pho dishes.

Are you interested in trying a bowl of pho in Toronto? Grab one for yourself and a friend at the GTA’s top hub of Vietnamese food, Toronto Pho. Choose your favourite variation. There’s something for everyone on our menu. The portions are fair and filling, and the pricing is family-friendly. For an affordable, delicious meal you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, pho’s a great option.